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oleh rastom |

Apakah anda berbakat untuk melihat insiden Zidane menanduk dari pelbagai sudut? Persepsi manusia berbeda mengikut apa yang mereka mau lihat . Lain padang lain belalang...

5 komen:

InaOK said...

He was provoked ... the Italian menghina his Mom & sister so he reacted. If the guy menghina diri dia sendiri, mungkin dia tak bertindak begitu ....
I mean it is normal for us to get agitated like " U want to say bad things about me , FINE, but leave my family alone ..." That kind of stuff ....
Anyway,I can accept his actions.
I can't accept FIFA thinking of taking back his Golden Boots Award.

BTW, thanks for visiting my blog & memberi teguran ..... :)

rastom said...

kawan blog lama kan tak boleh dilupakan :-)

Unknown said...

Zinedine Yazid Zidane got the red card, well, fair enough. No one should display such violent on the field of an international level game watched by billions of viewers. However, Materazzi should also been given five red cards for repeatedly provoking the Chevalier. I'm not saying this because Zidane is a muslim (he describes himself as a non-practising muslim... that's too bad) but, why did Materazzi pull Zizuo's jersey, pinch his nipple and insult his sick mother and call his wife a terrorist whore? Ask yourself, will you not retaliate to such insult? If your answer is yes, then you will understand why Zizou did what he did. But, if your answer is no, well... everyone is different!!!

Khalid Jaafar said...

Video-video yang sungguh mencerahkan.

rastom said...

semut itam, kot mana pon, oghang putih dok berkuasa global, pasai tu jadi lagu tu, kot nanti kita jadi kuasa global pula, nak buat lagu tu jugak ka?